Friday, September 16, 2005

The Leader Within

Discover the leader inside you!
Become the leader you've always wanted to be. Understand how you behave at your key 'moments of influence' Reinvent your approach for better results -- and happier people. Build more effective teams and organizations, without compromising your values.

If you lead... if you intend to lead... if you work with leaders... you need this book.

You need it to discover why......self-change is your most urgent leadership challenge...your values, beliefs, and personality are driving your success -- or your failure -- even when you don't realize it

You need it to discover how to...... lead brilliantly, in ways that reflect your own values and personality... connect in both group settings and one-to-one contexts... liberate personal traits and energies you never knew you had... rekindle your team's spirit -- and build stronger, more effective, more joyful organizations.

Liberate the outstanding leader inside you -- with The Leader Within.

DR. DREA ZIGARMI is a respected management consultant, bestselling author, and powerful trainer and motivational speaker. He co-authored Leadership and The One Minute Manager, and has co-developed several Blanchard Training and Development products, including its Leader Behavior Analysis instruments.

Few people have impacted the day-to-day management of people and companies more than KEN BLANCHARD. His phenomenal best-seller, The One Minute Manager (co-authored with Spencer Johnson), has sold 9,000,000+ copies and been translated into 25 languages. He leads the Ken Blanchard Companies®, a global leader in workplace learning, productivity, leadership, and team effectiveness.

MICHAEL O'CONNOR co-founded and directs the Center for Managing by Values. He specializes in strategy, behavior, and process-driven performance. With Ken Blanchard, he co-authored Managing by Values.

DR. CARL EDEBURN has spent 25 years consulting on key management and leadership issues. A certified trainer for the Ken Blanchard Companies, he has co-developed several Blanchard instruments.

The Ripple Effect: How the Global Mode of Endorsement Opens Doors to Success by Judy Suiter

The Ripple Effect: How the Global Model of Endorsement Opens Doors to Success is Judy Suiter's final installment of her triology on human behavior. The Ripple Effect teaches you how to build strong networks of support through increased influence and credibility. The prinicples of endorsement are at work all around us, and Judy shows us how to recognize and cultivate them.

Hardball for Women by Pat Heim

In this constructive, no-nonsense guide, business consultant Heim addresses women executives who, despite technical proficiency, hard work and managerial skills equal or superior to those of their male co-workers, have been passed over for promotions. With Golant ( No More Hysterectomies ), she stresses the need for women to study the sports-modeled, competitive culture of men, focused on money and status, and to learn to work according to its rules without betraying their "inner selves." Using sports jargon and examples, she advises such techniques as attacking a problem--not the person responsible--adhering to team goals and accepting criticism from a "coach." She also offers valuable tips on positive body language (no tears), dressing and more, and reminds women that "in a man's world--as in sports--winning is all that matters."

Jump Start Your Brain by Doug Hall

The techniques for jump-starting your brain are wacky as presented here by freelancer Wecker and Hall, founder of the Richard Saunders International Eureka! Mansion in Cincinnati, Ohio, home of the Eureka! Stimulus Response learning system, which taps into your B.O.S., or Brain Operating System. (If you're wondering why a guy named Hall would call his school Richard Saunders?it was Benjamin Franklin's pen name). Frequently quoting Franklin and Hall's five-year-old daughter Kristyn, the authors set about turning readers into Trained Brains. They suggest you become adventurous ("Have dinner at the fourteenth restaurant listed in the yellow pages"), believe in magic, analyze yourself (do you see yourself as sophisticated? boring?) and relax your dressing style ("Wearing a tie to a Eureka! Stimulus Response effort is a hanging offense"). Readers are likely to find the toys in this playpen too distracting to move on to problem solving.

Thinkertoys by Michael Michalko

"Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Business Creativity For the 90s" by Michael Michalko is like a printed Swiss Army Knife – it’s a multipurpose collection of idea-generation techniques that should be on every innovator’s bookshelf.

If you visit any book store these days, you’ll see a wide variety of creativity and innovation-related titles. But few are as accessible and useful as Thinkertoys. The tone of this book is playful yet purposeful: author Michalko walks you through the "how-to’s" of a cornucopia of creativity exercises and techniques - plus practical examples and suggestions on how to use them. In addition, the book features many helpful and playful illustrations, giving the impression that creativity is not only a valuable executive skill to cultivate, but it can also be fun and invigorating!

Thinkertoys opens with several chapters of practical advice on why you should be creative and the basics of a creative mindset and how to cultivate it. If you’re just starting out in your search for creativity and innovation tools and techniques, you should find this section of the book inspiring and liberating. The book then swings into a wide-ranging collection of linear (left-brained) idea-generating techniques as well as a fascinating collection of intuitive and visually-oriented (right-brained) exercises.

You’ll find yourself inspired and invigorated as you read through Michalko´s compelling explanations and insightful stories, and you’ll also find yourself pulling Thinkertoys off your bookshelf on a regular basis as a practical catalyst for generating innovative new ideas.

Lighten Up by C. W. Metcalf

These very funny (sometimes hilarious) tapes are generally designed for the average person to bring more enjoyment, productivity, humor and health to their lives (with a tad bit of scientific data so we can understand the full positive effects of humor). But two of my sisters (who both work in the field of psychotherapy) bought me these tapes after an ever-worsening 24-year marriage had slowly evolved into such a controlling and very abusive relationship that I was so depressed and so afraid of people that I was literally homebound and handicapped. I honestly believe that this very humorous audio set has done more to heal my spirit, my perspectives and my self esteem than five years of therapy would have done!! W.C. Metcalf has taught me how to use humor and an appreciation for the simple joys of being human to completely change my outlook (and my life).. so much so, that I'm ready to start anew, and with a fabulous attitude and wonderfully rejuvenated sense of humor! Although this series focuses mainly on work place scenarios and various inconsiderate jerks in our lives who unintentionally destroy our sense of humor and our full appreciation of life, C.W. Metcalf does touch on his experiences of being an abused child... BUT ONLY to prove that we can all overcome any adversities and learn to enjoy every aspect of living to a much fuller extent... if we just learn to develop a better perspective and rejuvenate our own natural sense of humor (he gives us exercises for this task). I have no doubt that absolutely every human on earth would come to enjoy life more and become a much better, more enjoyable person for themselves and everyone they know by listening to this very wise, entertaining and very funny series of tapes.

301 Ways To Have Fun At Work by Hemsath & Yerkes

Dave Hemsath and Leslie Yerkes have long believed that work need not be bland and boring, and that a fun workplace is truly more productive than a dull one. To check their theory, they asked successful businesspeople worldwide if fun played a part in their corporate culture--and, if so, how it was actually manifested in everyday life. 301 Ways to Have Fun at Work is their lighthearted compendium of the most useful and creative replies.

Managing To Have Fun by Matt Weinstein

Founder of Playfair Inc., a management consulting firm, Weinstein has put into practice many of the innovative motivational techniques prescribed in this manual. The keystone of this approach for businesses interested in team building for increased profitability is "fun in the workplace." Extrapolating from the free-form corporate culture evidently prevailing at Playfair, Weinstein outlines programs, both short- and long-term, that incorporate the intentional use of fun and play on the job in a way intended to promote professional community and enhance productivity at all levels. In a sampling of case presentations, Weinstein demonstrates activities that soften initial skepticism of CEOs, suggest non-embarrassing ways for personnel to interact socially and utilize humor as a humanizing element. "The company that plays together stays together" is the motto of this creative approach to management style and job satisfaction.

Fundraising for the Small Community by Kelvin Kent

"Fundraising for the Small Community" is a grass roots, practical guide, that all non profit organizations should read. It is designed for CEOs, Directors, Boards and everyone who undertakes the task of raising money.
The focus is on the needs of the smaller community. Whether it is how to form a 501(c)(3), understand grant procedures. church funding, or plan a major capital project campaign, Kent provides highly practical examples of how to do it.

The psychology and methods necessary to be successful are all explained in a simple, effective manner by one whose track record in this field is legend.

Secrets of Successful Boards by Carol Weisman

Sitting in a board room are people with different points of view, different voices, and different styles, which is why Carol's colleages share their expertise, joys, and insights in this book. No attempt was made at uniformity other than spelling, grammar and punctuation.
The purpose of this book is to give board member some tools and advice on how to do well. This book is not a book of best practices, but rather, like a board, the opinion of many different folks. Carol has two unique talents. The most unusual is her uncanny ability to get upgrades on airplanes. The other is recruiting marvelous people to get involved in exciting projects. This book will help you share your unique talents so as to achoeve the mission of a group you care about.

Secrets of Successful Fundraising by Carol Weisman

19 nonprofit gurus share their fundraising secrets. Chapters include: board involvement, feasibility studies, generating multiple revenue streams, hiring consultants, special events, direct mail, planned giving, grants, major gifts, cause related marketing, corporate giving, internet fundraising, social entrepreneurism, newsletters, accounting 101, strategic alliances, and donor recognition.

First Aid for Meetings by Charlie Hawkins

"First Aid for Meetings" is a complete reference to running meetings on purpose, on time and for results. Filled with common sense and uncommon wisdom, Charlie Hawkins provide strategies, tips and tools that will improve the planning and effectiveness of every meeting.

Robert’s Rules of Order by Major Henry M. Robert, revised by Darwin Patnode, Ph. D

Since Robert's Rules of Order first was published in 1896, it's been the means to orderly, smooth, and fairly conducted meetings. This ninth edition of the famous manual of parliamentary procedure includes everything from the first edition, but all of the information is clarified, cross-referenced, and carefully indexed. "Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty," said General Henry M. Robert, and his gift of order is as indispensable now as it was a century ago.

8 Essential Steps to Conflict Resolution by Dudley Weeks